Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Long Distance....It Works or Its the Worst?

Well today, I want to discuss something dear to my heart, Yes Long Distance Relationship. Are they for you or not? Many people have pretty good relationship but the one way to test you "undying love" is the distance. Its not as easy as you may think. Some people after years in faithful relationship tend to cheat or think of cheating during the short or long times away from their mates. How do you help make the relationship last? I can't tell you, I am still trying to figure it out myself. lol. But I will say this..... It is hard wanting to trust someone with your everything. Its really religious in a sense because you are going by the faith that your mates is true and is working to do the best they can to be with you so the saying goes" Go by faith, not by sight". How hard is it after seeing that person daily or being able to pen point each others moves. Now in today's economy it is hard for frequent travel dates and vacations, so what do you do? You try building the relationship spirituality but, in the end we are human and the distance eats at the brain in a way, we need that physical connection to stay sane. The only way of staying in the long distance relationship is honesty and to sometimes push the negative thoughts out because they will come trust me. Try reaching your mate at 4am and you cant get them or at 10pm and you can't where as in any other time you could, well now here comes the issues. All you have in long distance relationship is the ability to reach out to one another via email, text, call, skype, facebook or any of the things that help you stay in touch at the drop of a dime. When that ability is taken away by not returning a call or not responding than sneaks in distrust. We are routine people by nature, it is very rare that we change a pattern of life style so when the daily steps are changed it is because something else has taken its place. Now I am not saying this is cheating or lying but, what I am saying something else has become more interesting at that moment that you have reached out to your mate, now this makes you feel insecure and questionable because of the distance. In short Long Distance Relationship in today's techno world can be managed but unless honesty and trust are present too, it will be a long drive until you can get your relationship on track. Try showing your mate that no matter how long the distance that faithfulness is not the issue, try adjusting life for short visit, send gifts, never miss a call or text because some where along the line that other party is feeling alone and reaches out to the closes thing, YOU.  Never second judge, keep you negative thoughts to your self and allow time for things to be clear and just because you are miles a way does not mean the person does not need a break from you every once in a while. Have fun explore your self without your mate, learn new hobbies and when your mate comes to visit it will be well worth the time apart.  Happy Travels!!

1 comment:

  1. Long Distance is hard but your right trust is the bigger issue here, I mean because if a person is going to cheat they can do right while you are in the same house really so you have to trust that person regardless. If you don't then that's what needs to be dealt with at the end of the day. all the seemingly big issues or small underlying issues stem from if you both can be trusted while so far away.
